A magic dwells in each beginning... Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne...(H.Hesse)

It's been a while, since i last wrote a blog.
Back then I travelled the world. Wow! That has been an adventure ! If you wanna have a look: http://mehliswelt.blogspot.de (it's in german)
I lived on an island in thailand for a month, travelled through cambodia and loved the land and its people, the nature the unfinished roads and the mekong, ohhh the mekong...sometimes i still feel like riding on the back of the mekong.
I went to laos and was impressed by what the french left and went back to live on the mekong on a tiny tiny island, i travelled to the mountains, fall in love with sikkim, and was caught by varanassi - I met incredibly generous people all over the world.
I was sooooo lucky to travel down the east coast of australia with the andi and george band and to be their cook. I lived with a friends mother in new zealand, knitted self-made wool with old new zealand ladies and was fascinated by the greens and nature in its purest form. In Chile i found my treasure and brought him with me in my tummy. Peru and the krishna temple I'll never forget- they gave me shelter...
How did i get so lucky? I just choose in 10 second implements and i was bold and curious.
I met magicians, witches and people who followed their dreams. I collected all those tiny lovely stories to write a book.... and it still sits in my shelf.
Since then I had loads and loads of adventures, just different.
I became a single mum, I became a yoga teacher, I became a painter and illustrator and I somehow always created my world - my magic-
I had my ups and downs and also lost friends on the way and felt sad and then i invited new miraculous people into my life!
What I want with my blog is to share with you what inspires me, what motivates me, what gives me strength and space and ease and joy in life.
I want to share with you how my paintings grow .....
When I did my yoga teacher exams a couple of years ago, a friend said: hey do you wanna have your bars run? I hold 32 points on your head and you will have more space and ease afterwards and wow, yeah... that was it! Fantastic! We have so many incredible ways to ease our minds and I found some for me that are really magic! and that i want to share here.....
and what is possible now and how does it get any better than this???